Yii2 Share
Yii2 Share

An easy way to add buttons soc network share. Widget uses the Yandex Block "Share".

The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either add

    "require": {
    "keygenqt/yii2-share2": "*"
of your composer.json file.
I did not overload all the options, there are a lot of them. Only the most basic. You can find all parameters here.

Has options:

const SOC_YA_COLLECTIONS = 'collections';
const SOC_VK = 'vkontakte';
const SOC_FACEBOOK = 'facebook';
const SOC_GPLUS = 'gplus';
const SOC_TWITTER = 'twitter';
const SOC_LINKEDIN = 'linkedin';
const SOC_VIBER = 'viber';
const SOC_WHATSAPP = 'whatsapp';
const SOC_SKYPE = 'skype';
const SOC_TELEGRAM = 'telegram';
Some social networks do not pay attention to the image parameter passed to them. In this case, micro-marking should be used.
Example form code

use keygenqt\share2\Share2;

echo Share2::widget([
    'size' => 40,
    'margin' => 10,
    'lang' => 'en',

    'icon_facebook' => '/images/common/fb.png',
    'icon_twitter' => '/images/common/tw.png',
    'icon_linkedin' => '/images/common/in.png',

    'soc' => [Share2::SOC_FACEBOOK, Share2::SOC_TWITTER, Share2::SOC_LINKEDIN],

    'title' => 'Yii2 Share',
    'urlImage' => Url::base(true) . '/images/yii2/preview-share2.png',
    'urlPage' => Url::base(true) . Yii::$app->request->getUrl(),

]) ?>
May 29, 2020