kotlinAutowayBackend auto-generation on migrations
kotlinKChat (client)Chat completely built on kotlin Ktor client and server.
kotlinKChat (server)Chat completely built on kotlin Ktor client and server.
kotlinDemo Compose РИВ ГОШDemo application on the last stack for Surf
kotlinFirebase StackThe demo application making the most of Firebase
kotlinExploringSample application on Jetpack Compose + MVI
kotlinAuto App DistributionTarget: Configure gradle service Firebase App Distribution, add the ability to centrally change testers, automatic provisioning of releaseNotes based on git commits.
kotlinGitHub ViewerImplementation of the application using the latest Android Tech Stack and the GitHub REST API.
pythonBackupZ2Create backup tar.gz archive in multiple processes and send to ftp or save to folder
pythonChangelnGenerate changelog from git tags
pythonScreener 2.0A CLI app for take screenshot
JSMyLibrary WebappIt's desktop part - Electron